Harlem Lacrosse

Harlem Lacrosse is a non-profit organization that provides opportunities, relationships, and experiences that activate the skills and traits to put youth on a path to success as students, athletes, and citizens.

Harlem Lacrosse | Abacus Hive Case Studies

Consistent Growth

Since partnering with Abacus Hive, Harlem Lacrosse’s annual revenue has grown by 50%. Abacus Hive has helped Harlem Lacrosse navigate that growth by providing transparent and granular financials and working with management to ensure internal controls are appropriately defined and operating. 

Customized Multi-Segment Reporting

Due to the geographic footprint and operating model that Harlem Lacrosse uses, the organization requires substantial segmentation reporting (multi-location with multiple classes at each location). With our expertise in QuickBooks Online and the utilization of outside tools, we worked with budget managers and leadership to develop a set of reports that provides the clarity needed to make financial decisions.

System Conversion

After a year of working with Harlem Lacrosse, we recognized a cost savings and efficiency opportunity to convert to QuickBooks Online. We successfully helped Harlem Lacrosse migrate off their prior accounting platform to QuickBooks Online. In addition, we provided training for the key financial/operational employees.

Financial Advisory

Due to the departure of a senior-level team member, Harlem Lacrosse had an immediate need for a fractional CFO/Controller to ensure fundamental organizational needs were being met. Abacus Hive was in a perfect position to help support this need due to our existing relationship and familiarity with the economic environment and critical staff members. 

Our Team has benefitted so much from Abacus Hive's expertise, responsiveness, and support. They consistently go above and beyond to provide us with the information and advice we need to make good decisions. They are extremely reliable in all regards. They have become our model for a good partnership!
Harlem Lacrosse | National Nonprofit

LION Publishers

LION Publishers is a nonprofit that aims to strengthen the local news industry by helping independent news publishers build more sustainable businesses.

LION Publishers | Abacus Hive Case Study

Consistent Growth

Since partnering with Abacus Hive, LION Publishers’ annual revenue has grown 26%. Abacus Hive has scaled with that growth and provides AP processing, general accounting, and audit liaison services. 

Audit Liaison

With prior auditors on our team, we recognized a need for audit assistance to navigate the jargon that might not be common but to also free up the client’s time pulling the necessary information. We act as the first pass on all audit requests in hopes of alleviating work and stress on the client. We also help analyze policies and procedures to aid in a smooth audit and have high-level conversations with auditors on any accounting matters.

Application Conversions

Prior to our partnership, LION Publishers had a manual process for both retaining receipts and for AP. Abacus Hive implemented industry-leading cloud applications to strengthen accountability in these processes and reduce overall cycle time. We also train employees on using these systems based on management policies and procedures. 

Grant & Restriction Tracking

Our team has formalized a grant and restriction tracking process for LION Publishers. With our expertise in QuickBooks Online, we can provide strong reporting on grant and restriction balances necessary to ensure compliance.

We love working with Abacus Hive! They make month close easy and efficient, they are responsive whenever I have a question or request, and they lighten the burden of the audit process. It’s great to have consistent points of contact who are an extended part of the LION team year-round (thank you, Tina and Jerome!).
LION Publishers | National Nonprofit
Complimentary Consultation

Please schedule a time for a virtual meeting with our team. We will review your needs and craft a customized solution to make your accounting fun again!